Thursday, January 27, 2011

My first experience with Amity University, Noida- The Interview

2011 January 21, 6:00 AM, at my balcony,I was thinking what will going to be happen today? Though my coaching institute PT Education has given me enough classes for GDPIz of B-schools from the grooming to the verbal presentation skills but still I was very nervous. I had worn Indian formal attires. Sky blue 'chooridar' with black blazer . With my resume and official documents, I started for the university.

10 AM, Sec.125 , Gate 1st Amity University Campus, Noida.
Huge, glamorous campus with really technological infrastructure . Impressed at a first view. Here I registered myself at the front of gate and got the schedule of following process. Entered the auditorium and met fellow participants sitting there. It was strange that nobody was carrying any kind of formal attires there or any resume!! I got little uneasy there among all the 'cool dudes' of  Delhi and outsides. even girls were in latest hair style and as usual in casual attires. Except the few (including me) of candidates, they all were in casual without any formal documentation. No doubt we two-three candidates were looking like the hardcore aspirants of management but  we had to face these lines also '' OMG! are they in Panel of GDPI or are they are here for a job interview??'' ,''excuse me, did somebody tell you to dress up like this''?, ''Is this necessary to wear formals in GDPIz?'', ''Why you guys carrying this?'', ''What is this??'' and even some baseless questions also which I  don't want to mention here. Well after the attendance, they took all the parents along for a campus visit and instructed us to stay there and await for the results. They later announced an 'English proficiency written test' and provided us the blank sheets to pour our creativity on that. The topic was 'Globalization- Dream or Reality'. Was fair enough for MBAs. 20 minutes were allotted for 250 words minimum and I submitted that within the time too. 

Second stage: They divided us in groups and in sub-groups for the next process the 'Group Discussion'. 18 candidates were in my group. I even remember the code. '4-A' was the group for the specialized MBA (Entrepreneurship ,Banking Management,Real Estate,Agri business,Urban infrastructure and Media Management). They gave us a case study 'promotions in a textile company' and instructed to study that for 2 minutes. We had our views at open floor. The all process of GD got over within 6-7 minutes and that was enough for the panel  to judge each one of us.

Frankly, that set of panel was looking for the confidence,clarity of aim and language skills that's it. 

I got a call for PI, there were three members in the panel.  I put my resume in front of them on the table. They just smiled and started Grilling me on just 3 questions. :''What is media: Explain us" and ''Why MBA in media,why not MA in mass comm'' and the last one was ''can you sacrifice with your creativity for the MBA degree? I think I've made them satisfied with my answers as their reaction was quite positive. when I came out from the cabin everybody encircled me and asked that what did they ask. I replied ''guys, They Are Dad!! be careful. '' and then  I left the academic block  for campus visit. 

The tension is over here! 

What a great feel it was; roaming around the campus later. Guys in 'three piece business suit with laptop and sitting everywhere (mostly in red bricked corridors ) on the couch and gathering chairs inside and outside the blocks. After all Amity University carries a Hi-Tech surrounding. 

4 PM Amity university exit gate.
it was time to leave. I did exit and saw the campus again. I was thinking ''will this be the canvas to colour my dreams'? I have to look after all the available options in my hand for my MBA because the way is still far sighted for me ''I smiled and caught the Taxi for railway station........


  1. hii pooja i really like n get motivated through ur effort n this blog...u r tooo creative,ur too gud n anurag too....i wish ki tum mil abhi nahi to kya hua mil jaoge...n once again congrats for selc in amity...finally u got the right place to colour ur wishes gud luck for ur future as ur lucky charm(anurag)is always there for u..:)

    1. Hi Yammu, I should have shared it long before when I met first Anurag. We have met now couple of times. Anurag & Me both have completed our MBA and both of us are working now. Our friendship is more strong & close now.

    2. Hey pooja i want to ask that how much time they take to declare the interview and test results.

    3. hii pooja my name is fateh currently studying in 12th std hsc board my doubt is for gaining admission in amity which exam did u qualify JEE Main, MHT-CET or entrance exam

  2. hiii pooja, you said the reality , i've been to amity university a lot coz my sister is doing engineering from there.
    now, its my turn to go through that interview, your blog was very helpful , im feeling better and relaxed. hope to see you in campus ;)

    1. Hi!! Hey I've been passed out from Amity. This is the post I've written when I was about to take admission. Two long years and AMITY journey is over. Well All the best for new ventures at Amity. The reality is really different.

    2. Is EMPII better than Amity in media management ? What is the average salary one can expect after the completion ?

  3. hii pooja, really very impressed from ur experience,it really helpfull for me,for my future. hope for the best for your future..and thanks for sharing such a wonderfull experience with all of us..

    1. Thanks for reading Jatin.Its been really long when I wrote this about Amity. I was like you only. Totally ignorant about Amity and influenced from its glamorous image. Reality is hard and different. Anyways its still as young as it was always. Enjoyyyy :)

    2. Im planning to join amity this year.. What do you mean by "reality is hard and different?" You do recommend the university dont You? :)

    3. Hi!I don't recommend AUUP for any one who can get a better option. If you are going for MBA then I would recommend ABS only. No other institute in amity for MBA.

      Best Wishes.

    4. do u got selection there or not

  4. what do you mean by reality ....its diffrnt in real
    is it in positive way or negetive..D:

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Reality means when you face the real world. the real challenges and real knowledge. and off course the hunt for real opportunities too. But that truly depends which course you are opting there. If you can find/opt a better option then amity, go for it. (condition apply on your eligibility too) Amity accepts any X,Y,Z that causes the sufferings of the candidates who came after clearing a national level entrance. Plus the low placement assistance and compulsion of irreverent subjects, negative attendance on every leave, rigid & stupid hostel regulations, mood swings of their wardens, really pisses students there.

  5. I am applying for btech food amity good for that course??
    I have my interview is the faculty?

  6. Hi I actually have not heard even the name of the course but am sure Amity would be providing the course as its the only university which provides courses like a 5 star'Menu Card'. No Idea about faculty & course however Amity is considered good for Engineering in Core subjects (Civil, EC,CS,Mechanical Etc) but 'Food Tech'is absolutely out of my idea. So you at least go for interview. Talk to your seniors,find the amity communities on facebook and take a review before joining finally.

    All the Best!

  7. I m planning join in amity law school noida.. Amity is good for law course ? Say me ASAP :)

    1. Hi! Am sorry but I am not the correct person to answer your query. I studied MBA at Amity so no idea about Law School but I heard that its good. Better you search the relevant amity law school community on Facebook.

      Best Wishes.

  8. acually i want to join ECE in amity, but iam bit nervous about interview.... what they ask to me(types of questions and all that) and for how much time the interview will run? rply plzzz

    1. Hi!No Idea about it friend. But I know some of the people who can help you in this. Plz contact/message (Ishan Kaushik)Alumni B.Tech Amity (Student B.Tech Amity) ((Student B.Tech Amity)

    2. thnx very much mam, u solved my half of the problem....god bless
      r u also on fb??

    3. Your Welcome. Ishan Kaushik is one of the best students of Amity.

    4. lolz....hahaha...thnx for the compliments madam..:)...waise you r also no less...

    5. @all, the thing that is always good and right is criticized by all...always see the brighter side of things nt the dark will c a ray of hope calling you towards it...

  9. hii..! pooja i have applied for pharmacy in amity...and now i have to go through the can u pls tell me wht type of questions they ask..? coz i m vry nervous....

  10. Hi Kavita, As I've mentioned that I was a student of MBA in Amity so my knowledge for rest of the courses is limited. As far as I know, it'll be like a general interview for any course. The faculties are highly experienced & qualified in Amity (That is one of the good & true facts in Amity. The panel will ask your general interest and knowledge about the course you have applied and why you opt it for sure.Rest is fine with them. Just explain your careers goals relevantly to them. That's it. Don't worry you will clear it easily. They wont eat you.

    Best Wishes.

  11. Thnks...its a lot more question. There are some people on internet are giving negative views about amity like it doesn't gives you a are these rumors true? Or just false rumors?

    1. Dear Kavita. I would like to guide that if you have better option then Amity then go ahead. Amity will provide you the best of the education and faculties. But placements assistance is weak there. I don't know about Pharmacy but many of the students complain the same. Even in my institute we've faced it. Anyway talk to your seniors and ask them. I wont give 'A' grade to amity in terms of placements but Amity will surely make you able to stand in the industry even if you don't get placement from campus. if you join Amity, forget about placement, first study hard and utilize the opportunities there.

      Best Wishes

  12. @kavita, the thing that is always good and right is criticized by all...always see the brighter side of things nt the dark will c a ray of hope calling you towards it...

    1. I can see the brighter side...:)

  13. very nice pooja ... but i m also little confuse and nervous. :/ i have also an interview in amity.. i dont know what they will ask to me. should i will be clear in an interview :) guys pray for me.. :D

    1. You will definitely clear it. This is AMITY. Everybody can get it!!

      Best Wishes.

  14. I got 20000 rank in comedk and getting admission in bangalore colleges like reva, kls gogte nd i also selected in amity noida for eee in, plz help me to decide where i should go? Bcz my family says final decision is urs? I think u r right person to help me bcz ur lots of frend would be in amity in enginerring also, i belong to a middle calss family nd i hered that for study in amity reqired lots of money?

    1. I would say go for Bangalore colleges. What is the extra ordinary factor that is attracting you for Amity?? It's glamorous image and all those flashy TV ads and association??? Believe me nothing can help you in Amity in your study. Moreover when you are getting colleges in Bangalore that is much more advanced then Noida and an IT city too! You should go for Bangalore! Amity is an expensive college. Very very expensive. Take this factor too in your mind. you will spend so much of money in 4 years and not sure that you will get the package of the same or not...even a placement or not that's also not sure. So I wont suggest that leave Bangalore colleges for Amity.

      Best Wishes.

  15. umm .. like u said ki amity is too expensive..!!
    yep its expensive.. bt hw much we need to spend in 4 years if we are persuing from there ???
    i m expecting around 9 to 10 lacs in 4 years.. enough money or we need to spend more ??

    1. Hi! Amity every year varies in fee structure. Plz visit the website and see the fee and calculate the approx. Remember food & accommodation is separate from that.
      9-10 L for MBA or B.Tech is normal in Amity.

      All the best.

  16. hey i want to knw which types of qust wuld be asked in de interview at amity 4r BCA.......

  17. Pooja di please i want to do m.b.a in sales and marketing please help me interview date is 25th july ,I am very nervous please give me some suggestions..

    pranav kumar shahi

    1. Hi Pranav, you must be going for Amity Business School. Thats Good anyway. I am giving you A contact of my friend who studied MBA M&S from Amity. Kindly ask him for better reviews. In my opinion they will just ask you the reason for opting marketing & sales and your career objective & fulfillment. Thats it. Dont worry you'll anyhow get it. Here is the reference you can ask for
      (Baldev Asnani MBA M&S 2011-13)

      Best Wishes

  18. thanks di, and one more question what about the placements???
    because if amity takes around 10 lakhs fees for the they will provide placements or not?

    1. Placements are low in Amity. No doubt. Very poor.

  19. hi i am really nervous i am going to opt for international business (bba-ib) noida ,i am scared what they will ask in the interview (on 30th july) because my g.k is nil and my English is not so perfect. pls help me ;/

  20. hi pooja ... i m thinking to do mca from amity... nd my interview date is 7th aug.. nd my comunication skills is very low should i have clear the interview.. what u think plzz tell me

    1. Hi Mayank, Sorry for the late reply. I hope you are done with interview. How was it? I believe you'l get in!

  21. hey pooja i m gng to do msc( applied mathematics) and my interview on 27aug , i m v.nervous hw to face intrvw and especially for essay wrtng bcz ma ens is nt so good so i m scared abt it will u plz help me???and also want to knw abt dress on hall ticket there doesnt mention any dress code so can i wear nomal jeans wagairha??/

    1. Hi Nitish, You must be done with your interview. How was it?

  22. hi pooja i am thinking to do in interior desing pls help me about that

    1. Hi Nitisha, M.Sc in interior Designing is good if you doing it from Amity. Amity known for best faculty and modern infrastructure for such type of courses. Best Wishes

  23. Hey pooja ... your blog was really inspiring . Evn m goin to appear for mba interview dis year ... Can you tellme hows d placemnt at amity .. Especially for mba in finance or international business .

    1. Hi Antra, placements are good in Finance. Any good firm will pick you if you are smart and from ABS thats Amity Business School.
      International Business is from AIBS, Leave that. No Placements are there.

  24. what is the semister fees of amity university for b-tech

    1. Hi saif, do visit
      there is no hidden cost. All the best.

  25. Hi poojaji nice story at your end really good but i want to know how is CI&SM in AMITY since AMITY is only place where this course is there can you please help me and even about the placement fr CI&SM and my another question is that is CI & SM better or HR better and would you suggest me AMITY...... I would be happy if you reply soon........

    1. Go for CI&SM. No point to go to HR. Placements in CI&SM are generally ok.

  26. hello pooja m applying for MBA in it good for placement and plz also tell something about interview that which type of questions they asked so that i can prepare that...

  27. Hi Shuja, Which MBA course you are applying for? if its in ABS ( Amity Business School) you can surely go ahead. Not sure about other amity institutes. GDPI level is general in Amity at the time of interview. Be confident and keep your general awareness updated. Best Wishes.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. pooja m applyng for general MBA in amity it good for placement??

    3. Yes, MBA (G) from ABS is good to go.

    4. Pooja plz tell smthng abt gd & pi so i cn prepare myself accrdngily..

    5. I’ve already mentioned below GDPI is very generic in amity.

    6. i had also got calls from some bnglore colleges like dyananda sagar, which z bettr AMITY or thz bnglore colleges??

    7. hwz Alliance University in banglore??is it better than Amity??

  28. hi pooja,
    this is vivek from chennai, i have a written test, gd and pi in amity noida,for mba in construction project management from rics school of business. could you please guide me through this, of what kind of questions do i expect from the interview pannel and especially in the written test?

    p.s i got 2 years workexperience in tcs and im a software guy venturing into construction management though my batchelors degree is in mechanical engineering.


    1. Hi Vivek, RICS is an institute offering courses under a collaboration with Amity.
      I actually cannot comment on anything regarding RICS because it’s a very new institute and I don’t think if it has any alumni record also.
      As far as I am aware, RICS was not there when I was in Amity so I don’t have any relevant info for you regarding RICS.

      But I can advice you for GDPI/Written test. Written test will be including a short essay writing on any general topic just to check your language and grammar efficiency.

      GD will also have a general topic and in PI they will ask you about your career plans and why you have opted the course . That’s it.

      Hope it helps you. Best Wishes.

  29. Hey Pooja ,
    i'll be goin to the same process on 22nd march for MBA in Banking and Finance , actually i didnt get myself prepared for it by any institute and lookin over internet to know what it will be like . i read your post and it motivated me alot but scared aswell . plz would you give me any important tips or tell me anything helpful so that i would get my self selected in gd/pi process and essay writting

    1. i'll be having it at amity university gurgaon/manesar

    2. GDPI will be very generic. just be confident and well aware of general knowledge. thats it. you will anyhow get selected.

    3. hey shuja
      it was actually good , they asked me about maself , i told them everything incl. extra curricular activities . the only thing i'm worried about is academic section in pi because they asked my favourite subject which is account and asked just 2-3 question from it , asked another subject except it i said economy though it was not my fav. subject at all and they asked all the questions from . i was able to answer some of them . in general awerness section in pi they just asked two simple question :- 1 who is our finance minister , 2 who is bjp's candidate for p.m. . overall it was a nice experience and i'm expecting to be selected .

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. i was searching on internet for basic knowledge og banking and finance but always directed to useless links . are there any links in your mind or any material over internet by which i could prepare myself .

  31. Interview Tomorrow For BHM :|
    Seriously Worried :(
    Any Tip ?

  32. Hai pooja .. I'm planning to join masters of financial management course in amity .. Is it worth joining in amity & also wanted to know the scope of the course ..

    1. Hi ..i too applied for the same it worth to join or not

  33. hey hi pooja....... i'm planning to do media management from amity univ., noida. plz tell me dat is dis d ryt place 2 go? n hw can i prepare myself 4 dat?

    1. BIG NO for Media Management from Amity Noida.You better try some other mass comm colleges in Delhi

    2. why last 2 years in Media Management and in Mba in HotEL management........more den 95% students got placed,,,back to back me go for it if u hv not done yet.

  34. Hey there! Can someone please tell me if Amity is really worth considering for the Interview process. I mean I wanna opt for Btech in CS and some friend suggested me this place. But I'm not sure about it yet.

    I have my WBJEE on 20th april and the interview on 22nd april. So, I'll have to rush to Noida as I live in kolkata.

    Please, tell me if I should come for the interview.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Amity Noida is a good campus with high enough tech's. if u can live away from home and have a high on budget then can think for amity. otherwise WBJEE is a good choice. Also CS from amity cost Rs. 1,92,000 per annum for tution fees.

  35. Hi Pooja Di,
    I have my pi on 24th april.. I am planning for Bsc Mass Comm.. Please tell which type of questions they are going to ask... I am very nervous please reply ASAP..

  36. hi pooja didi
    m having ma interview tmrw help me na plzz feelin soo scrd :( :S

  37. hey pooja di
    I have my interview on 26 april 2014 and I am really nervous about it. I had applied for . I don't know what type of questions they asked and what type of essay they give

  38. Hello madam,
    I am wanting to get admitted to RICS in 2015 and wanted to know about the preparations I need to do for Written(books to prefer specially for amity pattern), GD and PI so that I can confirm my seat their;

  39. hi pooja ur blog was really helpful initially i had no idea wt sort of interview i m going to have? i m aspiring for btech programme and nw i have got wt all i have to prepare about . thanks a lot :)

  40. nd yes even m havin interview on 19th may nd seriously m very nervous although i was d anchor at my school times bt dis tym all unknown ppl i'll face dem :) with all my efforts

    1. Give me your Application form number, course name and campus for you applying for ??

  41. Hey i am planning to do MBA frm amity uni pls tell me something about gd/pi that which type of question they asked pls pls help me

  42. hey i am going for bba interview what type of questions hsoild i expect ?

  43. Hello pooja di,
    I liked your article a lot.. seems to cover a lot of amity in a few words. .
    I am planning to pursue btech in computer science engineering from amity noida. I know the costs are high but can you please tell me about how the academics there are? Teachers and placements? And also about the crowd there?

  44. hey hiiii pooja diiiiiii ur experience has helped me alot bt nw m going for interview in amity for b el ed course in two days pls help me how can i preapre what to prepare .................. m really worried its my first experience

  45. hey hiiii pooja m taking admission in amity for MBA Biotech is it good in placement and want to know is there a dress code also ??

  46. What about MBA IB coz i heard dat a student of AIBS get package of 25 lakhs.

  47. hi pooja..i have taken admission in mba- hr...i want to ask that we have to wear formal clothes everyday or on special day..and when we have to wear saree?

  48. Hey i have applied for pharmacy course at amity ....i wanna know whether is it an appropriate choice or not? coz basically i have heard that amity is good for business studies etc...
    also i wanna know what type of topics wud be there for gk based or moral issues...?
    and also wud the interview be tooo scary or something?
    just a bit nervous...
    kindly guide through....

  49. hey pooja..
    i have applied for bsc maths in amity. i just wanna know tht is it worth joining in amity noida..:).....

  50. GO FOR AMITY .............................................................................For B.Tech and Mba aspirants.. In MBA so many prblm choose d best according to u.................AMITY GLOBAL BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR MBA I Advice.............if u r average student den work hard,...and just regular in classes................any1 score 70 percent in Amity B.Tech...................even 4-5 students score 95% in semester...........95 yes.its amity...... PLacements r dere in both d courses if u score above 60% den u r allowed to sit in minimum 20 companies............ if ur dumb den u dun deserve placements. Apart from dis all courses r good in amity but in Bsc.. Bed......placement is not dere............but faculties n study is for any course in amity..........good luck

  51. is there any use of different committees like cultural committee, pr and outreacr ,placement committees in mba

  52. hello evrybody, i am going to take admission in amity university jaipur. please tell me about the crowd , environment , academics, faculty behaviour and qualifications and other facility.
    i have received admission letter and any time amity officals would ask for submission of fees.

    please let me know the real fact about the university.
    It is Q of my life and career.

    please reply as soon as possible..

    please..only true facts.

  53. heyy
    i m going to do mba in insurance and banking from amity noida. how is this course?
    what is the dress code for mba

  54. Hello mam,
    I am a graduate and i wanted to do msc in interior designing from amity. I've got 72.67 percentile in cat but the eligibility for the course shows on site is bachelor in interior or b.arch. so is it possible for me to take admission in that course i really wanna do it..
    Plz rpk


  55. sir
    i am sumit from delhi i have me in paper tech. from iit roorkee's saharnpur branch i am doing MBA from AMITY so i want to know about Amity University Syllabus 2015
    so if you any info about this job and belongs to me so pls tell me.

  56. hiii pooja di

    i am in CA final but i am planning to do mba in international business from amity university noida or mba general from manesar .

    plz tell me that amity is right place to go??????

  57. I am also up for amity university interview this year... lets see whats going to happen !!!

  58. Amity university is pretty good..
    very helpful recommendations..
    And cambridge school noida is one of the best school in Noida

  59. Hey pooja I applying for MCA I have interview in online Skype so plz tell me which Question they ask in interview if u know or if u don't know so can u ask someone

    1. Hey pooja di plz help me i read all comment in ur site u help so many student so plz help me also i applying for MCA im living in europe so they took my interview in skype so plz can u tell me which type of question they ask plz help me pooja di

  60. Hi they won't eat you first of all. So chill! The primary question is always 'why you want to join Amity' second 'what is your future plans' . Just keep your fundamentals clear and be confident. And if you don't know anything just say that I don't know :)


  61. One fine day I got a phone call from Amity University - from faculty of social science. I gave a skype interview. The lady who was interviewing me was totally ignorant of any aspect social sciences. I wondered at extreme poor quality of senior faculty at Amity.

    1. See it depends who the faculty was and how young he/she was . It might possible he/she could not get your thoughts and vice versa. As far as I am concerned, Most of the PG faculty is quite good and experienced. Can't say about junior faculty cuz most of them are ex amity students who joined as faculty after their course so......

  62. Hiee pooja di! I hve applied for mba programme in intrrview is
    on 24th march. Plz give an idea of gd nd pi.
    types of qyestions asked in PI.

  63. Hi Ayushi,
    I've answered about this question above in many queries. Do check them.


  64. Hello,
    I had my Skype interview today for journalism course and interview was quite technical. No general questions were asked. Please tell me if there is any chance for me to ger select there. And also tell difference between amity gurgaon and noida

  65. Hi pooja di
    Iam going to apply at amity for BBA.
    So can you please guide me that how the course is and please tell me about BBA continent also

  66. The call for interview has also come and i don't have any idea how will be the interview please guide me...

  67. i have applied for amity noida for my bba course in marketing and sales.. i just want to know about how is amity in bba course? is there any problem regarding the degree they provide? and what about the placement?
    please reply soon

  68. Hi Sayandeep, BBA is fine at Amity. Placement is also ok for the good scorers. Be hard working and focussed. It's all fine in marketing and sales.

    Best wishes

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. hii pooja
      i finally decided not to join amity cause i have also applied for Christ University as well as IBS Hyderabad and the exam date of Christ is classing with Amity so i have decided to stick with Christ. i just want your point of view that which is better in these two (christ or ibs)? which one has a higher placement record and will help me while doing my MBA further after my BBA in (M&S)??

  69. Hi pooja, i recently applied for rics mba construction project management course in amity university. Do u have any idea about rics courses . Also, I am an engineering student and i have no experience of personal interview. Can u please guide me on this.

  70. Hi Anjali,
    I have honestly nothing to say on RICS courses. This is first of all very new program in amity and second it's not a program by Amity University but under amity university. But I advice don't follow the trend of placement and work hard for tiur forte. You need to explore opportunities. Anyway in PI nothing to worry. Just be clear on your fandanmentals and goals of life/career. They will only ask generic questions.

    Best wishes.

  71. Hi mam..i have been called for test and interview on 21 april for btech programme of amity...i just wana knw k is the test of amity difficiult to crack...what tyoe of queations are asked and what i have to study for this test...i am this year 12 passout..

    1. Hy jatinderpal how was ur interview . As i am also one among uh. My interview date is 30april can uh plz tell how was it

  72. Hello
    Today was my interview for media management but I was surprised to see only 15 candidates for the same. Why amity s not good for media management. Now a days media management is quite growing field. Can u plz tell to take or not to take admission in amity.

    1. Hy himani can uh tell me ur experience with them bcz i too have interview with them on coming dys

    2. Hi Himani,

      Media Management is indeed a growing field but placement is not there in Amity for this particular course. A new course and the poor student strength. I would advice, don't pick Amity if you have other choice...
      All The Best :)

    3. Are you taking admissions ??

  73. Hy everyone thisis abhishek saxena from mandsaur.
    i need help as i opt for from cs branch from amit noida.and i have to go for interview test as i never went before in school life . I have only 5 days in mah hand so guys i need ur help if any of uh went through interview of amity btech.

    it would help me a lot uh can mail me


  74. Hello
    Dey asked only simple questions... Related to my field... Why media management... Ambition... N my job experience... It was very simple interview.
    All the best:-)

  75. Are u taking ur admissns dis year ?? I've taken

  76. I have applied for amity b-tech . In interview will they ask question from 10+2 syllabus or only general questions about courses.....
    please help me....

  77. Did anyone applied for amity mba general 2015-17batch...??anyone gt admission letter??

  78. Did anyone applied for amity mba general 2015-17batch...??anyone gt admission letter??

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hii sikha,
      I have also been selected for the same course. I vl b joining from 22nd july. So i want to ask whether the classes have been started? Aur what is the dress code? Nd faculty ? Nd ur first day experience. So plz can u help me with that.

    3. Sleeveless is not allowed 😝

  79. Hi Shikha,
    I had applied for MBA general 2015-17 batch and got selected.I have taken admission too.

  80. hii mayank
    dats gud...i hv also gt selected....
    R u frm delhi??

  81. hii mayank
    dats gud...i hv also gt selected....
    R u frm delhi??

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Ohh..that's nice

      N nopes..I'm from Allahabad
      and you?

  82. Hey Mayank and Shikha
    I have also applied for mba 2015-17 batch. Can you please tell me the topics given to you for essay and gd?

    1. Hi Urmila
      I didn't exactly remember the topics.I have given my WAT and PI in February.
      And no GD was conducted by them.

  83. Hiii mayank m from delhi only...
    C u at amity....
    hiii urmilla...hav u given mat or cat...???or vl gv amity written test

  84. Hiii mayank m from delhi only...
    C u at amity....
    hiii urmilla...hav u given mat or cat...???or vl gv amity written test

  85. Hiii mayank m from delhi only...
    C u at amity....
    hiii urmilla...hav u given mat or cat...???or vl gv amity written test

  86. Hello pooja di
    in which field u did mba?

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. hello di i want to know that is amity good for bsc hons chemistry or not bcz iam so confuse about this plz tell me di fast as possible

  89. hello di i want to know that is amity good for bsc hons chemistry or not bcz iam so confuse about this plz tell me di fast as possible

  90. hello, please anyone give me suggestion for the good interview at amity...i am little bit nervous.

  91. Hello pooja, I have done BSc(H) Statistics from Delhi University. I was thinking to do M.Stat from amity. Is it good? And do you have any idea about the placements.

  92. Hi Frndz!!!! i have appllied for mba IB in amity mumbai university....i dint taken any exams like cat, mat,gmat, anybody tell me about interview process and amity entrance exam to....i m looking forward for your help

  93. plz anybody tell me about amity mba entrance exam pattern PLZZZZZZ.

  94. Hy pooja di.. I am planning to join amity for msc forensics .. How good is this course in amity n placements?pls let me know

  95. Hello pooja di. I am watching amity for bcom(h). Can you help me about what questions they asked on interview?? My interview is on25th june 2015. And i am very nerveios about that

  96. is anyone having informantion regarding MBA in construction management, like about the course, placement, future scope n all..


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  99. hi , myself abhijeet mitra
    I have got 94% in 12th
    Should i go to amity gurgaon for B tech in mechanical???

  100. hii
    I am planning to do from amity university, noida.
    So pls guide me that whether i should join it or not and placement provided by the institute.
    reply asap.

  101. Hey people !I am planning to do my politicial science honours from either Amity Gurgoan or Nodia.Can someone please suggest which one shall i choose .And also what are the questions they can ask me in my interview which i have on the 15th of july in the Nodia campus.

    1. i too have the same question.

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  102. Pooja di !Hi!It would be very helpful if you reply to my query!

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  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. hey...ur post is intriguing....I am applying for MBA(IB)..I have just filled up the application....interview is on 29th jan....should i go for it ??? How are placements ??

  109. hi guys is RICS at amity university is good and have good placements and good career ....reply ASAP

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. any one tell say about ,how will join the MBA course ,amity noida ,tell me ,also taking amity noida MBA enterence exam

  112. is there a written test on psychology questions for Clinical Psychology course?

  113. I want to do MBA in project construction management in RICS IN NODIA Please Please anyone who know about this course Please tell me about the placement in this course Please and yes ............... pooja ji you know about this course from any friend Please reply me ..... ishfaq.

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  118. hey pooja...
    this has been helpful upto a large extent. But if you could help me with the sort of answers you gave to the panel in PI than it would be of great help... plz..

  119. i done amity interview for mass comm on 11 may how i know that i selected or not

  120. HI Pooja what about the Food technology study and placement in AMITY noida campus
