2011 January 21, 6:00 AM, at my balcony,I was thinking what will going to be happen today? Though my coaching institute PT Education has given me enough classes for GDPIz of B-schools from the grooming to the verbal presentation skills but still I was very nervous. I had worn Indian formal attires. Sky blue 'chooridar' with black blazer . With my resume and official documents, I started for the university.

10 AM, Sec.125 , Gate 1st Amity University Campus, Noida.
Huge, glamorous campus with really technological infrastructure . Impressed at a first view. Here I registered myself at the front of gate and got the schedule of following process. Entered the auditorium and met fellow participants sitting there. It was strange that nobody was carrying any kind of formal attires there or any resume!! I got little uneasy there among all the 'cool dudes' of Delhi and outsides. even girls were in latest hair style and as usual in casual attires. Except the few (including me) of candidates, they all were in casual without any formal documentation. No doubt we two-three candidates were looking like the hardcore aspirants of management but we had to face these lines also '' OMG! are they in Panel of GDPI or are they are here for a job interview??'' ,''excuse me, did somebody tell you to dress up like this''?, ''Is this necessary to wear formals in GDPIz?'', ''Why you guys carrying this?'', ''What is this??'' and even some baseless questions also which I don't want to mention here. Well after the attendance, they took all the parents along for a campus visit and instructed us to stay there and await for the results. They later announced an 'English proficiency written test' and provided us the blank sheets to pour our creativity on that. The topic was 'Globalization- Dream or Reality'. Was fair enough for MBAs. 20 minutes were allotted for 250 words minimum and I submitted that within the time too.
Second stage: They divided us in groups and in sub-groups for the next process the 'Group Discussion'. 18 candidates were in my group. I even remember the code. '4-A' was the group for the specialized MBA (Entrepreneurship ,Banking Management,Real Estate,Agri business,Urban infrastructure and Media Management). They gave us a case study 'promotions in a textile company' and instructed to study that for 2 minutes. We had our views at open floor. The all process of GD got over within 6-7 minutes and that was enough for the panel to judge each one of us.
Frankly, that set of panel was looking for the confidence,clarity of aim and language skills that's it.
I got a call for PI, there were three members in the panel. I put my resume in front of them on the table. They just smiled and started Grilling me on just 3 questions. :''What is media: Explain us" and ''Why MBA in media,why not MA in mass comm'' and the last one was ''can you sacrifice with your creativity for the MBA degree? I think I've made them satisfied with my answers as their reaction was quite positive. when I came out from the cabin everybody encircled me and asked that what did they ask. I replied ''guys, They Are Dad!! be careful. '' and then I left the academic block for campus visit.
The tension is over here!
What a great feel it was; roaming around the campus later. Guys in 'three piece business suit with laptop and sitting everywhere (mostly in red bricked corridors ) on the couch and gathering chairs inside and outside the blocks. After all Amity University carries a Hi-Tech surrounding.
4 PM Amity university exit gate.
it was time to leave. I did exit and saw the campus again. I was thinking ''will this be the canvas to colour my dreams'? I have to look after all the available options in my hand for my MBA because the way is still far sighted for me ''I smiled and caught the Taxi for railway station........